0977 what network

Mobile numbers in the Philippines, including those starting with 0977, are assigned specific prefixes that identify the network operator. The number prefix, in this case, 0977, helps users and providers alike determine which telecommunications company a mobile number is associated with.

The 0977 number prefix belongs to Globe Telecom, one of the largest and most established mobile service providers in the Philippines. Globe Telecom offers a wide range of services, including voice, SMS, mobile data, and broadband internet. As a Globe number, 0977 operates under the company’s network infrastructure, which includes extensive 4G LTE coverage and expanding 5G services.

Globe Telecom: A Leading Player in the Philippines

Globe Telecom has long been a leading telecommunications provider in the Philippines. With millions of subscribers nationwide, Globe offers services that cater to both individuals and businesses. Globe’s infrastructure provides users with reliable coverage and access to fast data services, whether you’re in urban areas or rural regions.

As the provider behind 0977 numbers, Globe Telecom is constantly evolving. The company has been investing heavily in improving its network, expanding its 5G coverage, and offering various services to enhance customer experiences. Subscribers of the 0977 prefix benefit from Globe’s vast network, promotional offers, and customer service.

Services Offered by the 0977 Network

When using a 0977 mobile number, you’re essentially part of Globe Telecom’s customer base. Here are some of the key services Globe offers to its 0977 number holders:

  • Prepaid and Postpaid Plans: Globe Telecom offers a wide range of prepaid and postpaid plans to suit different users’ needs. Whether you’re a heavy data user or just need a reliable number for calling and texting, Globe has tailored plans for every lifestyle.
  • Mobile Data and Internet: Globe is known for its competitive data packages. With a 0977 number, users can enjoy mobile data plans that provide access to the internet, social media, video streaming, and more. From daily, weekly, to monthly data plans, the options are vast.
  • Unlimited Calls and Texts: Many Globe prepaid and postpaid plans include unlimited calls and texts within Globe numbers, making communication between 0977 and other Globe subscribers cost-effective and convenient.
  • 5G Coverage: As Globe continues to roll out its 5G services, many 0977 users can take advantage of faster data speeds and improved network performance in 5G-covered areas. This is particularly beneficial for mobile gaming, streaming high-definition videos, and using bandwidth-intensive applications.

Coverage and Connectivity

One of the key benefits of having a 0977 mobile number is the broad coverage Globe Telecom provides. As of now, Globe has extensive coverage across the Philippines, from major cities to more remote areas. This is particularly important for individuals who rely on their mobile phones for communication while traveling or living in less urbanized areas.

Globe’s infrastructure offers robust 4G LTE connectivity, which is ideal for everyday internet browsing, social media usage, and standard video streaming. In urban areas, Globe’s 5G network is rapidly growing, offering superfast data speeds that make it easier to use data-heavy applications such as online gaming or streaming services like Netflix.

Data Coverage and Roaming The 0977 prefix is also valid for international roaming services. Globe subscribers, including those with 0977 numbers, can take advantage of roaming packages when traveling abroad. Globe’s partnerships with various international telecom providers ensure that subscribers remain connected even when out of the country.

How to Use a 0977 Number Efficiently

Understanding the services associated with the 0977 number is key to maximizing its potential. Here are some tips on how to use your Globe 0977 mobile number efficiently:

  • Maximize Prepaid Plans: If you’re using a prepaid Globe SIM with the 0977 number, it’s a good idea to monitor ongoing Globe promos. Globe frequently offers promotions like free data packages or unlimited calls and texts, which can provide great savings.
  • Monitor Data Usage: Globe Telecom offers ways to track your data usage through their app or via SMS notifications. Keeping an eye on your data can help you avoid running out before your next top-up.
  • Stay Updated with Globe Promos: Globe frequently updates its users on new promotions, so it’s a good practice to check for special deals regularly. Globe’s GoSURF and GoSAKTO promos, for example, offer affordable data and SMS/call bundles.
  • Switch to 5G for Faster Service: If you’re in a 5G-covered area and have a compatible phone, make the most of your 0977 number by switching to Globe’s 5G network. This can greatly enhance your mobile experience with faster internet speeds and less latency.


To sum up, if you have a mobile number that begins with 0977, you are using Globe Telecom’s network, one of the most extensive and reliable in the Philippines. Whether you’re using prepaid or postpaid services, Globe offers a variety of plans and coverage options to suit your needs. From everyday communication to high-speed 5G data services, a 0977 mobile number opens the door to reliable and flexible mobile connectivity. Always remember to check for the latest promotions and updates from Globe to get the most out of your mobile plan.


Is 0977 Globe or Smart?
0977 is a prefix assigned to Globe Telecom, not Smart. If you’re receiving calls or texts from a 0977 number, it is most likely a Globe subscriber.

Can I use a 0977 number for international roaming?
Yes, Globe Telecom, the provider for 0977 numbers, offers international roaming services. You can activate these services before traveling by subscribing to one of Globe’s roaming packages.

What are the benefits of having a Globe 0977 number?
Subscribers with a 0977 number benefit from Globe’s vast mobile network, promotional offers, competitive data plans, and coverage, including the opportunity to experience Globe’s 5G services in eligible areas.

Can I keep my 0977 number if I switch to postpaid from prepaid?
Yes, you can retain your 0977 number if you decide to switch from a prepaid Globe plan to a postpaid plan, making it a seamless transition.

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